Corporate SWIFT Services
SWIFT IMPLEMENTATION & MAINTENANCEAs a means of facilitating transactions with multiple banks, SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Telecommunications) can simplify and accelerate communications. Yet planning, implementing, and monitoring SWIFT membership can prove slow and time-consuming for even the largest corporations and their IT functions.
Actualize Consulting simplifies your SWIFT engagement process, helping you establish the right membership options and security protocols to create or maintain your SWIFT registration. |
BENEFITS AT A GLANCE› Assess the ROI for a potential SWIFT project
› Identify the ideal approach › Accelerate design and implementation › Reduce the workload on treasury and IT teams › Help establish the protocols and relationships you need for SWIFT membership |
Actualize Consulting provides expert, experienced guidance through all phases of SWIFT registration, including:
As an alternative to host-to-host connectivity, SWIFT allows for more efficient multi-bank connectivity, reducing workloads and technical complexity. We help you identify your SWIFT connectivity options (in-house vs. service bureaus) and assess your corporate infrastructure, banking footprint, and other requirements to recommend the best approach to SWIFT membership. Maintaining Your Memberships
As your SWIFT partner, Actualize keeps you apprised of evolving SWIFT standards and emerging solutions, educating your teams on the potential impacts of upcoming changes. We guide your organization through the annual attestation process for meeting the standards required by the Customer Security Controls Framework (CSCF). |
Actualize Consulting navigates your firm through each step of the SWIFT registration process, from applying for a SCORE (Standardized Corporate Environment) membership to integration with each of your bank partners. We provide the necessary technical and management support needed throughout the implementation. SWIFT Tools Training
To help you meet SWIFT obligations, Actualize trains your internal teams on managing crucial SWIFT tools and protocols, including security tokens, relationship management (RMA), and secure network connectivity (AL2 Portal). |